Monday, April 9, 2012

Karimanjal (Black Turmeric) (Curcuma caesia)

Common Names : Hindi: काली हल्दी Kali Haldi, Malayalam :Karimanjal കരി മഞ്ഞള്‍
Botanical Name :  Curcuma caesia
How to Identify : The midvein of each kari manjal leaf presents a distinctive dark stripe. The kari manjal rhizome is white to blue in color, rather than golden orange.

 Curcuma caesia is used in Kali puja and many practitioners of ‘black magic’ also use it. The herb is said to have the “spiritual ability” to drive away evil forces as well as wide-ranging herbal properties. It is prescribed for treatment of piles, impotency, menstrual disorders and epilepsy. It is used both externally and internally. Externally, it is used in the treatment of wounds, white patches on the skin and leprosy sores. It is also capable of enhancing fertility levels. Some herbal doctors prescribe it for the treatment of piles and the enlargement of the spleen and certain types of tuberculosis. The rhizome as well as the leaves of the plant are used in medical formulations. There are some Home Remedies regarding this wonder herb :
  • If you are suffering from toothache, take a pinch of black turmeric powder and rub it gently against the teeth. You will get relief from the problem. Make sure that only a small quantity is used, as an excess of black turmeric powder may induce vomiting.
  • Take a fresh rhizome of black turmeric or kali haldi, wash it properly and crush it. Apply it to wounds and nagging sores for relief and quick healing.
  • Those suffering from leucoderma or white patches on the skin may apply the paste of Curcuma caesia rhizome on the skin. Readymade herbal preparations are also available in the market.
  • Curcuma caesia provides relief from stomach problems including indigestion. Take a small piece of the rhizome and chew it for relief from indigestion or stomach pain. It also helps in easy digestion and the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  •  The fresh rhizome is applied externally for relief from rheumatic pains.

 More details